Release: Abomicterror (Demo Tape - 1995)

Recording: July - December 1995 (remastering: april 1998)
Play members: Jose Morantes (Drums) and David Rodriguez (guitars and vocals)

Track List:

1 - Intro
2 - Abomicterror
3 - Condenados
4 - La noche de las almas malditas
5 - Horda

Lenght: 15 min
Copyrigth © Incarno 1995
Reviews: Unknown
Genre: Death/Thrash
Distribution: Own (10 copies)
Storage: Not available

Comments: It was the first recording. The band had another name and other members. The instruments were deficient and this recording was made as a meeting of several rehersals. Influences were more to the way of thrash metal from 80´s. The poor sound quality of recording can not listen well some riffs. Primitive sound is a most precise concept.

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